Part of the Advent of Grok {Shan, Shui}*. See blog post for intro and table of contents.

« Day 06 | Day 08 »

I opened the code planning to experiment on buildings in the picture (class Arch) the same way I experimented with trees.

The first disappointment to wait for me was that buildings do not have col(or) parameter, so it is not that easy to colorize the type of buildings I am interested in, they all constantly gray. So the first obstacle was to add this parameter to the box function all of them use, and then pass it from one of the houses, till I found the convenient one: arch02:

And here we go. (Notice I returned to trees their natural color for now.)

First, as usual, update function’s arguments to clean up the scene

-    this.arch02 = function(xoff, yoff, seed, args) {
-      var args = args != undefined ? args : {};
-      var hei = args.hei != undefined ? args.hei : 10;
-      var wid = args.wid != undefined ? args.wid : 50;
-      var rot = args.rot != undefined ? args.rot : 0.3;
-      var per = args.per != undefined ? args.per : 5;
-      var sto = args.sto != undefined ? args.sto : 3;
-      var sty = args.sty != undefined ? args.sty : 1;
-      var rai = args.rai != undefined ? args.rai : false;
-      seed = seed != undefined ? seed : 0;
+    this.arch02 = function(xoff, yoff, seed = 0,
+      {height = 10, width = 50, rotation = 0.3, per = 5, sto = 3, sty = 1, rai = false}
+    ) {

(Note that I can’t yet rename all of them, as I don’t undertand what they do yet!)

Now, to the body. It seems to do the following in one big cycle (sto times… still don’t know what that should mean!):

  • add a box
  • add a rail but only if rai parameter is passed… aha, that answers one mystery about parameter naming (aside note: there is only one call to arch02 in the codebase, and it never passes rai… so, this part is effectively moot, but I’ll leave it, and rename the parameter to has_rails)
  • adds roof (sometimes randomly attaching Pizza Hut placate, which is a nice touch!)

So, can we do it in a usual map-style?.. Here is (half-baked) code:

return range(sto).map( i => i * height * 1.5 ). // produce series of h_offsets
       map( (hoff, i) => {
         return box(xoff, yoff - hoff, {
            tra: false,
            hei: height,
            wid: width * Math.pow(0.85, i),
            rot: rotation,
            wei: 1.5,
            per: per,
            col: 'rgba(255,0,0,0.5)',
            dec: function(a) {
              return deco(
                Object.assign({}, a, {
                  hsp: [[], [1, 5], [1, 5], [1, 4]][sty],
                  vsp: [[], [1, 2], [1, 2], [1, 3]][sty],
          }) +
          (has_rails ?
            rail(xoff, yoff - hoff, i * 0.2, {
              wid: width * Math.pow(0.85, i) * 1.1,
              hei: height / 2,
              per: per,
              rot: rotation,
              wei: 0.5,
              tra: false,
          : '') +
          roof(xoff, yoff - hoff - height, {
            hei: height,
            wid: width * Math.pow(0.9, i),
            rot: rotation,
            wei: 1.5,
            per: per,
            pla: (sto == 1 && Math.random() < 1 / 3 ? [1, "Pizza Hut"] : undefined),

Nothing seems to be broken on the image…

…though, wait. Seems that houses are slightly rotated. Ugh, nevermind. There are two calls to arch02 in code actually, and I just forgot to change the rotrotation in one of them. Now everything should be fixed…

Wait what.

Oh, hello non-random randomness my old friend. When fixing the parameter name, I also changed the order of parameters in call, “for it to look nicer”

             return Arch.arch02(x + xoff, y + yoff, seed, {
-              wid: normRand(40, 70),
+              width: normRand(40, 70),
+              rotation: Math.random(),
               sto: randChoice([1, 2, 2, 3]),
-              rot: Math.random(),
               sty: randChoice([1, 2, 3]),

…and now Math.random() for rotation is called earlier than randChoice for sto, and we broke the universe. Changing parameters order back makes houses look like on original picture.


Now, as with poly and blob before, I’ll start to copy all of those box etc into “my” box_

As usual, some nice thing happen on the road…

But eventually it all played out (again, wouldn’t repeat the original pic here, it works)!

I ended up with half-rewritten box currently:

var box_ = function(xoff, yoff,
    height = 20, width = 120, rotation = 0.7, per = 4,
    transparent = true, bottom = true, weight = 3, dec = (a) => [],
    color = rgba(100,100,100,0.4)
) {
  var mid = -width * 0.5 + width * rotation;
  var bmid = -width * 0.5 + width * (1 - rotation);
  var ptlist = [];
  ptlist.push(div([[-width * 0.5, -height], [-width * 0.5, 0]], 5));
  ptlist.push(div([[width * 0.5, -height], [width * 0.5, 0]], 5));
  if (bottom) {
    ptlist.push(div([[-width * 0.5, 0], [mid, per]], 5));
    ptlist.push(div([[width * 0.5, 0], [mid, per]], 5));
  ptlist.push(div([[mid, -height], [mid, per]], 5));
  if (transparent) {
    if (bottom) {
      ptlist.push(div([[-width * 0.5, 0], [bmid, -per]], 5));
      ptlist.push(div([[width * 0.5, 0], [bmid, -per]], 5));
    ptlist.push(div([[bmid, -height], [bmid, -per]], 5));

  var surf = (rotation < 0.5) * 2 - 1;
  ptlist = ptlist.concat(
      pul: [surf * width * 0.5, -height],
      pur: [mid, -height + per],
      pdl: [surf * width * 0.5, 0],
      pdr: [mid, per],

  var polist = [
    [-width * 0.5, -height],
    [width * 0.5, -height],
    [width * 0.5, 0],
    [mid, per],
    [-width * 0.5, 0],

  var canv = "";
  if (!transparent) {
    canv += poly(polist, {
      xof: xoff,
      yof: yoff,
      str: "none",
      fil: "white",

  for (var i = 0; i < ptlist.length; i++) {
    canv += stroke(
      ptlist[i].map(([x, y]) => [x + xoff, y + yoff]),
        col: color.toString(),
        noi: 1,
        wid: weight,
        fun: (x) => 1
  return canv;

Some of it became clearer (names of things like botbottom and tratransparent), some are still mystery (like what dec function does), and I’ll need to look into dreadful deco and div tomorrow. They are kind of “simple”, yet do a lot of math transformation with 1-2 char variables in quick succession, and to understand and explain box, I need first to understand them!

Till tomorrow, sleepyhead.

« Day 06 | Day 08 »